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Acceptable Use Policy

Linkedbooking is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform that provides the tools and technology for small and medium businesses to set up an online website, run online marketing and sell products and services on their own website, or at physical business locations. This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) describes activities that are prohibited in connection with your use of the Services and any other Linkedbooking Add-ons or products we may offer. If you violate this policy, we may suspend or terminate your account. We may also suspend or terminate accounts according to our Terms of Service where we see behavior, content, or other factors that pose a threat to our platform and our customers.

Please don’t use Linkedbooking to distribute anything offensive, to promote anything illegal, or to harass anyone.

Prohibited Content

You may not use Linkedbooking to create, send, display, advertise, promote, support or sell (as applicable):

  • * Illegal goods or services
  • * Emails that violate the CAN-SPAM act or other anti-spam laws
  • * Pornography/sexually explicit content
  • * Materials that exploit or abuse children, including but not limited to images or depictions of child abuse or sexual abuse, or that present children in a sexual manner.
  • * Campaigns promoting or supporting terrorism or violent extremism
  • * Counterfeit products or products that infringe the intellectual property rights of others, including trademark, copyright, design or patent rights
  • * Products claiming to prevent, treat, or cure COVID-19 that are not approved or authorized for emergency use by regulatory or public health agencies, such as the FDA in the U.S.
  • * Products that are in demand due to COVID-19 with excessive pricing, price gouging, or deceptive pricing practices or in demand due to COVID-19 and prohibited by applicable law
  • * Hate or violence against people based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, veteran status or other forms of discriminatory intolerance.
  • * Materials that contain personally identifiable information, sensitive personal information, or confidential information, such as credit card numbers, confidential national ID numbers, or account passwords unless you have consent from the person to whom the information belongs or who is otherwise authorized to provide such consent. You may not use the Services to collect, store, or process any protected health information subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), any applicable health privacy regulation or any other applicable law governing the processing, use, or disclosure of protected health information.
  • Some industries have higher-than-average abuse complaints, which can jeopardize deliverability. In order to maintain the reliability of our platform, we do not allow businesses that offer these types of services, products, or content:
  • * Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and other similar sites and services
  • * Hookup, swinger, or sexual encounter sites or services
  • * Pharmaceutical products
  • * Work-at-home scams, make money online, and lead generation opportunities
  • * Gambling services or products
  • * Multi-level marketing
  • * Affiliate marketing
  • * Credit repair and get out of debt opportunities
  • * List brokers or list rental services
  • * Selling “Likes” or followers for a social media platform
  • * Cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, and any digital assets related to an Initial Coin Offering

Prohibited Actions

You may not:

  • * Offer goods or services in relation to COVID-19 that comply with the Rules of Engagement for the Sale of COVID-19 Related Products.
  • * Offer goods or services, or post or upload Materials, that harass, bully, defame or threaten a specific individual.
  • * Offer goods or services, or post or upload Materials, that contravene or that facilitate or promote activities that contravene, the laws of the jurisdictions in which you operate or do business.
  • * Offer goods or services, or post or upload Materials, include in your Campaigns, Websites, Ads any materials that that infringe on the copyright or trademarks of others.
  • * Offer the following goods or services that are restricted:Firearms, Firearm Parts, ghost guns and 3D printed guns, including blueprints for such guns, any part, component or kit for any firearm or gun. illegal or unauthorized services that violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws) and country, the laws applicable to you in your customer’s jurisdiction and country, or the laws of Delaware and the United States.
  • * Use the Services to transmit malware or host phishing pages. You may not perform activities or upload or distribute Materials that harm or disrupt the operation of the Services or other infrastructure of Linkedbooking or others, including Linkedbooking’s third party providers. You may not use the Services for deceptive commercial practices or any other illegal or deceptive activities.
  • * Offer goods or services, or post or upload Materials, that promote self-harm.
  • * Transmit unsolicited commercial electronic messages.
  • * Offer goods or services, or post or upload Materials, that imply or promote support or funding of, or membership in, a terrorist organization.
  • * Send Spam. Spam can be in the form of bulk emails or one to one commercial emails.
  • * You must be able to point to an opt-in form or show other evidence of consent for any commercial or marketing email you send.
  • * Use any misleading or incorrect names, addresses, email addresses, subject lines, or other information in the Service or in any Campaigns created, managed, or sent using our Service.
  • * Share your password.
  • * Send marketing emails that do not contain a Linkedbooking unsubscribe mechanism or send emails that use an external unsubscribe process.
  • * Set up multiple accounts for any person or entity in order to send similar content, unless you’re part of a franchise or agency.
  • * Import or incorporate any of this information into any account, audience, emails, or otherwise upload to our servers: Social Security numbers, passwords, security credentials, or sensitive personal information.
  • * Send Campaigns that will be delivered to recipients as text, SMS, or MMS messages unless using a feature designed for that purpose.
  • * Upload or send email Campaigns to purchased, rented, third-party, co-reg, publicly available data, or partner lists of any kind.
  • * Send or forward personal mail.
  • * Host images on our servers for any purpose other than for your use of the Service.
  • * Host Content on our servers for any purpose other than for your use of the Service.
  • * Send bulk emails, meaning emails directed to a number of individuals with the same content, through Transactional (formerly known as Mandrill).
  • * Transactional is designed for transactional email. Please use Linkedbooking campaigns for your bulk sending needs.

We may, at any time and without notice, remove any Materials, and suspend or terminate your Account or your account an access to the Services if you engage in activities that violate the letter or spirit of this AUP, including activities outside of your use of the Services.

Linkedbooking has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor or investigate any Materials and your use of the Services at any time for compliance with this AUP and the Linkedbooking Terms of Service, or any other agreement between you and Linkedbooking governing your use of the Services (collectively, the “Terms”). Our determination of whether a violation of this AUP has occurred will be final and binding, and any action taken with respect to enforcing this AUP, including taking no action at all, will be at our sole discretion.

Linkedbooking may modify this AUP, including the list of Restricted Items, at any time by posting a revised version at By continuing to use the Services or access your Account after a revised version of the AUP has been posted, you agree to comply with the latest version of the AUP. In the event of a conflict between the AUP and the Terms, this AUP will take precedence, but only to the extent required to resolve such conflict. If you feel that a user of the Services has violated this AUP, please contact us at [email protected]

Last updated: April 15, 2020
© 2022 linkedbooking Inc.