You can request to erase a guest’s personal data from Linkedbooking’s records. Linkedbooking only redacts all personal data, such as guest name and email address and all of the information you collected through guest’s past social logins, such as Facebook login. Non-personal data, such as reservation transactions, payment record and other value is maintained for business reporting purposes. If you have shared your guest’s data with any other companies, it’s your responsibility to contact them.
Once the data is erased, it cannot be retrieved.
You will receive a confirmation email when the personal data has been erased.
Please note that once submitted, the erase request cannot be cancelled.
By default, Linkedbooking won’t erase personal data if the guest has a pending reservation or has made an reservation in the last six months (180-days), in case a chargeback or legal activity occurs. If a request or erasure is submitted during that time, then it will remain a pending state until the required time has passed. When that required time has elapsed, Linkedbooking completes the erasure request automatically.
To override this processing delay, please contact Linkedbooking support at [email protected]